Kata Sifat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Kata Sifat (adjective) dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah kelas kata yang menjelaskan makna kata menjadi lebih spesifik pada kuantitas, kualitas, urutan, atau pun nilainya. Berikut ini adalah daftar kata sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang harus kamu ketahui, lengkap dengan arti kata sifat dan contoh kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris.

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No.WordsDefinitionIndonesianExamples in Sentences
1Abusivecharacterized by physical or psychological maltreatment; expressing offensive reproachSuka menyiksaHer father is abusive towards his family.
2Adaptablecapable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or useMudah BeradaptasiIf you’re more adaptable, you can survive easily.
3Adorablelovable especially in a childlike or naive wayMenyenangkanShe’s so adorable, no wonder everyone love her.
4Adventurouswilling to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprisesSenang BertualangHe’s been to many places, he’s so adventurous.
5Agonizingextremely painfulMenyakitkanYour words is agonizing that I can’t bear to listen to them.
6Alivecapable of erupting; possessing lifeHidupThat injured cat is still alive.
7Annoyingcausing irritation or annoyance; noun the act of troubling or annoying someoneMenyebalkanHis mother is so annoying.
8Automaticoperating with minimal human interventionOtomatisThis is an automatic toaster, you just have to wait.
9Awesomeinspiring awe or admiration or wonderKerenThat’s an awesome jacket, where did you buy it?
10Awfulcausing fear or dread or terror;BurukMy painting is awful, I’m so ashamed of it
11Barbaricunrestrained and crudely rich; without civilizing influencesBarbarWhat a barbaric human.
12Bashfuldisposed to avoid notice; self-consciously timidMalushe’s being bashful around new people.
13Beautifulaesthetically pleasingCantikThat baby is so beautiful like her mother.
14Bigabove average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or exteme scaleBesarThe bag is too big.
15Bravepossessing or displaying courageBeraniThe warrior is so brave in war
16Brightfull or promise; having lots of light either natural or artificialCemerlangThe sun is so bright today.
17Busycrowded with or characterized by much activitySibukI’m so busy today. I can’t see you.
18Cheerfulbeing full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimisticCeriawhile always being cheerful, that kid actually has a sad live.
19Childishacting like a childKekanakanHe’s 30 but still acts childish.
20Clearof complexion; without such blemishes as e.g. acne; clear to the mind; free from cloudiness; allowing light to pass throughJelasThe weather is clear, you can go outside.
21Clevershowing inventiveness and skillPintarAll his children are clever.
22Cloudy(of especially liquids) clouded as with sediment; full of or covered with clouds; lacking definite form or limitsBerawanIt’s so cloudy, I think it will be raining.
23Coldlacking the warmth of life; of a seeker; the absence of heatDinginTonight is so cold, I need extra blanket.
24Colorfulhaving striking color; striking in variety and interest; having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combinationBerwarnaTheir house is so colorful, they painted their bedrooms blue and their living room green.
25Crazyintensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied withGilaThe crazy man is attacking the crowd.
26Cuteobviously contrived to charm; attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintnessLucuThat bunny is so cute.

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27Cynicalbelieving the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of othersSinisYou’re being too cynical. Have faith sometimes.
28Dailyoccurring or done each dayHarianI can visit my mom daily.
29Dampslightly wet;LembabMy clothes are still damp, I can’t wear them.
30Dangerouscausing fear or anxiety by threatening great harmBerbahayaThe road is too dangerous to be crossed at night
31Darkdevoid of or deficient in light or brightness;GelapWhy your room is so dark? Turn on the light.
32Deepexhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy;DalamThis pool is too deep for my kid.
33Diligentcharacterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasksRajinHe’s so diligent, he studies everyday.
34Distantapart in space; separate or apart in timeBerjarakThat guy is being so distant towards his ex.
35Drywithout a mucous or watery dischargeKeringYour clothes have dried, you can pick them up.
36Dumbunable to speak because of hereditary deafness; lacking intellectual acuityBisu/BodohHe’s dumb, he can’t answer you.
37Earlyat or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected timeLebih awalYou wake up early.
38Eviltending to cause great harm; morally bad or wrong;JahatWhat an evil man! He beats his own wife.
39Exhaustingproducing exhaustion; having a debilitating effectMelelahkanThe journey was exhausting but we had fun.
40Fata chubby body; having much flesh (especially fat);GemukShe’s fat, but she’s still cute.
41Feminineassociated with women and not with men;FemininThe smell of hat perfume is too feminine, I can’t use it.
42Fitphysically and mentally sound or healthy; meeting adequate standards for a purposePasYou’re young and fit, you can run so fast.
43Gentlehaving or showing a kindly or tender natureLucuHe looks scary but he’s actually very gentle.
44Giganticso exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammothLembutThat gigantic billboard has blocked the mountain view.
45Greatof major significance or importance; relatively large in size or number or extent;RaksasaThey have a great number of wealth.
46Greedywanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consumeSerakahShe’s being so greedy, she won’t share her food with others.
47Grievingsorrowful through loss or deprivationBerdukaMy mom is still grieving after our father passed away.
48Grumpyperversely irritablePemarahNo wonder you’re cat is being grumpy, you’ve mistreated him.
49Happywell expressed and to the pointBahagiaShe looks more happyafter she’s married.
50Harddried out; unfortunate or hard to bearSulit/KerasThe test is too hard.
51Hatefulevoking or deserving hatred; characterized by malicePenuh kebencianShe’s so hateful, no wonder she has no friends.
52Heavenlyof or belonging to heaven or god; relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven; of or relating to the skySurgawiThe choir sounded so heavenly.
53Highreater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; used of sounds and voicesTinggiDad puts the knives on high place so my sister can’t reach it.
54Historicalhaving once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary; of or relating to the study of history; belonging to the pastBersejarahIt’s a historical statue, don’t destroy it.
55Holisticemphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the wholeMenyeluruhYou need to be more holistic when you’re observing something.
56Hollowas if echoing in a hollow space; not solid; having a space or gap orKosongThe wall is hollow, so don’t push it too hard.
57Homelesssomeone with no housingTidak berumahHe’s homeless now because he cannot pay the rent.
58Hotused of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burningPanasthe food is still hot.
59Hugeunusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scopeBesarThat doll is so huge, we need a special place to store it.
60Hurtdamaged inanimate objects or their value; suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battleMenyakitkanHe’s hurt so badly, we need to take him to the hospital.
61Idiotichaving a mental age of three to seven years; insanely irresponsibleTololYou’re being idiotic, it’s embarassing.
62Illegalprohibited by law or by official or accepted rulesIlegalIt’s illegal to smoke in this country.
63Illiteratelacking culture, especially in language and literature; not able to read or writeButa hurufHer whole family is illitirate, nobody can read.
64Imaginarynot based on fact;ImajinerYour statement is imaginary and fake.
65Insecurelacking self-confidence or assurance; lacking in security or safetyTidak aman/tidak percaya diriShe’s being insecure with her body. She thought she’s fat.
66Irresponsibleshowing lack of care for consequencesBertanggung jawabHow can you be so irresponsible? You’re a grown up.
67Joyfulfull of or producing joy; full of high-spirited delightMenyenangkanWe’re being joyfulas tomorrow is Christmas.
68Juicyfull of juiceBerairThe steak is so juicy.
69Jumbledin utter disorderCampur adukThese words are still jumbled, you need to put them in correct order.
70Kindtolerant and forgiving under provocationBaikYour family is so kind towards me.
71Largehaving broad power and range and scope; above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extentRamahShe has a large eyes like an owl.
72Lastlowest in rank or importanceBesarYou finish the game last.
73Latebeing or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected timTerlambatHe always comes late to school.
74Lavishvery generous; characterized by extravagance and profusionBorosDon’t be so lavish, you’ve spent too much money.
75Lazymoving slowly and gently; disinclined to work or exertionMalasIt’s test seasone, don’t be so lazy.
76Leannot profitable or prosperousTidak menguntungkanThe chance is too lean, I won’t take it.
77Legalallowed by official rulesLegalIt’s legal to use a drone now.
78Lethalof an instrument of certain deathMematikanThe weapon is so lethal, it has to be used carefully.
79Lightcharacterized by or emitting light; (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agentRingan/TerangI love light colours.
80Likeableeasy to like;MenyenangkanThe new kid is likeable, she has so many friends already.
81Literateknowledgeable and educated in one or several fieldsBerpendidikanYou can see from the way he talks, he’s so literate.
82Lonelyremote or secludedKesepianI feel lonely without my friends.
83Longhaving or being more than normal or necessaryPanjangThe thread is too long, cut it.
84Lostnot caught with the senses or the mind; no longer in your possession or controlTersesatI lost my glasses.
85Lovelyappealing to the emotions as well as the eyeIndahThat new dress is so lovely.
86Lowbeing at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extensionRendahHer score is so low.
87Loyalunwavering in devotion to friend or vow or causeSetiaThe dog is loyal to his owner.
88Lumpyhaving lumps; not smooth and even in texture; like or containing small sticky lumpsKentalThe dough is too lumpy, you need to add more water to make it softer.
89Lunaticinsane and believed to be affected by the phases of theGilaYou’re being lunatic, you can’t jump from this bridge.
90Lushfull of juice; produced or growing in extreme abundanceSuburThe land is lush.
91Macabreshockingly repellent; inspiring horrorMenyeramkanShe loves scary stuffs, her room is full of macabre posters.
92Machomarkedly masculine in appearance or manneMachoShe only likes macho men.
93Magnificentcharacterized by grandeurMegahWhat a magnificent party.
94Majesticmajestic in manner or bearingMegahThe kingdom is so majestic.
95Majorgreater in number or size or amount; greater in scope or effectUtamaThis isn’t a major issue, I can fix it.
97Masculineassociated with men and not with womenMaskulinHe’s a man, but doesn’t act masculine.
98Maturehaving reached full natural growth or developmentDewasaHe’s so mature, he’s only 10.
99Melodicof or relating to melody; containing or constituting or characterized by pleasing melodyBernadaThe song is so melodic and beautiful.
100Mercifulshowing or giving mercyPenuh belas kasihThe king was being merciful, he didn’t execute his enemies.
101Mindlessrequiring little mental effort; lacking the thinking capacity characteristic of a conscious beingTidak berpikirYou’re being mindless, you should stop what you’re doing.
102Minorlimited in size or scope; inferior in number or size or amountKecilHe’s still a minor, not allowed to smoke.
103Mistywet with mist; filled or abounding with fog or mistBerkabutThe mountain was misty.
104Mixedconsisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds (even to the point of incongruityBercampurThe colors were mixed and it was pretty
105Moistslightly wetLembabThe weather is too moist, not good for my electronics.
106Muscularhaving or suggesting great physical power or forceBerototHe works out everyday, no wonder he’s so muscular.
107Nastyffensive or even (of persons) malicious; disgustingly dirtyNaifHe said nasty stuffs to the girls. They leave him.
108Naturalin accordance with nature; relating to or concerning natureJorokIt’s natural to love your own friends.
109Nauseatingcausing or able to cause nauseaAlamiThe smell is nauseating, I want to vomit.
110Nearnot far distant in time or space or degree or circumstancesMembuat MualThe school is near my home.
111Necessaryunavoidably determined by prior circumstances; absolutely essentialDekatIt’s necessary to put the eggs in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.
112Nervouseasily agitatedPentingIt’s her first concert, she’s being so nervous.
113Nosyoffensively curious or inquisitiveSelalu ingin tahuDon’t be a nosy neighbour, we have to respect others’ privacy.
114Oldof a very early stage in developmentTuaMy grandma is old.
116Painfulcausing physical or psychological painMenyakitkanThe injury was paninful.
117Painlessnot causing physical or psychological painTidak sakitThe drug makes you feel painless.
118Paleabnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distressPucatYour face is pale.
119Panickythrown into a state of intense fear or desperationPanikTheir being panicky during the earthquake.
120Patheticinspiring scornful pityBodohwhat a pathetic man, he thinks he can win against last year winner.
121Peacefulnot disturbed by strife or turmoil or warDamaiThis town is so peaceful.
122Perfectprecisely accurate orSempurnashe got a perfect 100% score
123Petitevery smallKecilshe has a petite body.
124Poisonousmarked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful; not safe to eat; having the qualities or effects of a poisonBeracunThat berry is poisonous.
125Politeshowing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etcSopanHer kids are polite.
126Poorunsatisfactory; having little money or few possessionsMiskinHis family is poor, they can’t afford to buy daily meals.
127Puny(used especially of persons) of inferior size; inferior in strength or significanceLemahWhat a puny man, he can’t lift the table.
128Purefree from discordant qualities; sinlessMurniThe water is pure, you can drink it.
129Pushymarked by aggressive ambition and energy and initiativeMemaksaher parents are being pushy, she hates them.
130Puzzlinglacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity; not clear to the understandingMembingungkanThe test is too puzling, I can’t do it.
131Quicklywith rapid movementsCepatI can vfinish this quickly.
132quietfree of noise or uproar; or making little if any soundDiamShe’s been very quiet since her dog died.
133Rarenot widely distributed; not widely knownJarangIt’s a rare jewelry.
134Rebelliousresisting control or authorityPemberontakIt’s okay to be rebelious when you’re a teenager.
135Regalbelonging to or befitting a supreme rulerKebangsawananShe comes form a regal family.
136Richpossessing material wealthKayaThat family is so rich, they have ten cars.
137Rightcorrect in opinion or judgmentBenarThe right answer is C not B.
138Romanticexpressive of or exciting sexual love or romanceRomantishe’s so romantic to his new girlfriend.
139Rottenusually implies foulnessBusukYou can’t eat the rotten bread.
140Rough(of persons or behavior) lacking refinement or finesseKasarDon’t be too rough when handling babies.
142Sadexperiencing or showing sorrow or unhappinessSedihI’m still sad because my friend is moving to another country.
143Safe(of an undertaking) secure from risk; free from danger or the risk of harmAmanIt’ safe if you stay inside.
144Satisfyinggiving pleasure or satisfaction; providing freedom from worry; providing abundant nourishmentMemuaskanHis performance is so good and satisfying.
145Scandalousgiving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputationMemalukanThe news is scandalous for the new president.
146Scarreddeeply affected or marked by mental or physical pain or injuryTerlukaShe’s scarred by her mother’s words.
147Scaryso scary as to cause chills and shuddersMenakutkanThe movie is too scary for me.
148Seldomnot oftenJarangI seldomto see her.
149Shakyvibrating slightly and irregularlyBergoyangThe bridge feels shaky.
150Shallowlacking physical depthDangkalThe water is shallow, you can swim there.
151Shameful(used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shameMemalukanYour act is shameful I don’t want to remember it.
152Shinyreflecting lightBersinarThat gold is shiny.
153Shockinggiving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputationMengejutkanThe news was shocking, she couldn’t accept it.
154Shorthaving little length or lacking in lengthPendekHe’s short for a man on his age.
155Silkyhaving a smooth, gleaming surfaceLembutThe fabric feels silky.
156Sillydazed from or as if from repeated blowsKonyolYou’re being silly.
157SimpleunornamentedSederhanaHe gives a very simple answer.
158Skinnyof or relating to or resembling skin; being very thinKurusThat man is skinny, he can fit an S size.
159Slimbeing of delicate or slender build; small in quantityLangsingI want to have a slim body like her.
160Smalllimited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extentKecilThe mouse is small.
161Smartcapable of independent and apparently intelligent actionPintarThe boy is so smart.
162Softot strong or robustLembutI love this cake, it’s soft.
163Spoiledhaving the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attentionManjaHer kid is spoiled, he will cry if she didn’t buy him an ice cream.
164Strongnot faint or feebleKuatThe man is strong he can lift the chair alone.
165Stupidlacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuityBodohThe girl is so stupid, she doesn’t know the answer.
166Sweetlyin an affectionate or loving mannerManisShe talks so sweetly.
167Tallgreat in vertical dimension; high in statureTinggiShe’s a very tall girl.
168Tangytasting sour like a lemonasamThe lemon is tangy
169Tastypleasing to the sense of tasteLezatI love the food, it’s so tasty.
170Tearfulfilled with or marked by tearsMembuat menangisThe movie is so tearful.
171ThickaboundingTebalThis book is thick and heavy.
172Thinlacking excess flesh; (of sound) lacking resonance or volumeTipisThis book is thin. I’ll read it.
173Tightpacked closely togetherKetatThe jeans are too tight for you.
174Tinyvery smallKecilThe insect is so tiny I can’t see it.
175Tireddepleted of strength or energy; repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuseLelahI’m so tired, today we have sport.
176Tranquil(of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves; not agitatedTenangThe tranquil water gives me peace.
177Trashytastelessly showy; cheap and inferiorMurahanYour taste in music is so trashy.
178Uglydispleasing to the sensesJelekThe guy is so ugly.
179Uniquehighly unusual or rare but not the single instanceUnikIt’s a very unique necklace.
180Unknownnot known; not known to existTidak diketahuiThe species of that animal is still unknown.
181Unnaturalnot in accordance with or determined by natureTidak wajarThat event is unnatural and weird.
182Uselesshaving no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefullyTidak bergunaThe broken watch is useless now.
183Vaguenot clearly understood or expressed; not precisely limited, determined, or distinguishedSamar-samarHer definition is too vague, the police finds it’s hard to catch the criminal.
184Valuablehaving great material or monetary value especially for use or exchangeBerhargaHer most valuable possession is her wedding ring.
185Vastunusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scopeLuasThe country is so vast, you need more than a month to explore it.
186Warmhaving or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heatHangatI’ll drink the coffee while it’s warm.
187Wetor soaked with a liquid such as water;BasahYour boots are wet.
188Worthlesslacking in usefulness or value; morally reprehensibleTidak berhargaIt’s broken and worthless now.
189Wrongbased on or acting or judging in errorSalahThe answer is worng.
190Youngbeing in its early stageMudaTheir kids are young.

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