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151 Catchy Just Say No to Drugs Slogans

Home » Slogans » Catchy Slogans » 151 Catchy Just Say No to Drugs Slogans The “Just Say No” slogan has been popularized throughout drug prevention campaigns for kids since 1970. A total of $33 billion has been spent on marketing. In a continued effort to combat drugs, the following just say no to drugs slogans can also be used in conjunction for raising awareness. These are from current awareness events and other existing campaigns aimed at preventing children of school age to try or do drugs. 100% drug free. A loser in life is a user in life. ABCD… Drugs stay away from me. Above the Influence. Avoid a tragic death, stay away from crystal meth. Be brighter, put down the lighter. Be fly don’t get high. Be Healthy, don’t do drugs. Be smart – Don’t start. Be the best you can be- be drug free. Be the best you can be choose to be drug free. Cake not Coke. Choose life not drugs. Choose to refuse. Cocaine, Heroin, Ecstacy, Meth. All roads that lead to death. Count on ME to be DRUG FREE. Crack Is Whack! D.E.A.D – Drugs end all dreams. Delete drugs or they will delete you from this world. Do a good deed and kill the weed. Do a good deed, Drop the weed. Do dope, Lose Hope. Do Math, Not Meth. Don’t be insane, drugs ruin the brain. Don’t do pot, your brain will rot. Don’t fall into the CRACK. Don’t get high, reach for the sky. Don’t Huff, Don’t Puff. Keep away from that stuff! Don’t start and be smart. Don’t start, keep a healthy heart. Don’t want an ugly mug? Stay off the drug. Don’t waste your life being wasted! Don’t Huff, Don’t Puff, Stay Away from that Stuff. Don’t let drugs keep you from your dreams. Don’t let your life go up in smoke. Drug abuse is of no use. Drug Abuse? No Excuse! Drug addiction is not fiction. Drug free is the key. Drug free is the way to be. Drug is a poison that kills your ambition. Drug is not the answer. Drug use is life abuse. Drug user is a loser. Drugs affect more than just you. Drugs are a hole that ruins the soul. Drugs are like a knife which kills your entire life. Drugs are retarded, so don’t get started. Drugs are whack so watch your back. Drugs are whack, stay on the right track. Drugs aren’t cool they make you act like a fool. Drugs cost you more than just money. Drugs don’t only waste your money but also waste your life. Drugs don’t seek, they make you weal. Drugs drag you down. Drugs gave me wings to fly, but it took away my blue sky. Drugs Hurt, Be Alert. Drugs keep you down. Drugs kill you slowly. Drugs make you ugly. Drugs will change you to someone you would never want to be. Drugs, weapons of mass destruction. Drugs: A Grave Mistake. Drugs: Choose not to use. Drugs: You use, you lose. Get high on grades not drugs. Get high on life, Not drugs! Get rid of drugs before they get rid of you! Great High Grade, not on Drugs. Hang tough, don’t puff. Hop to keep kids off Dope. Hugs not drugs. I mustache you to be drug free. I never smoke weed on days that end in Y. I rather eat bugs than do drugs. I’m free to be me, when I’m drug free! I’m too good for drugs. If strength and honor is what you seek, drugs only make you weak. If you do cocaine, you’ll go insane. If you wanna have money stay of the drugs. If you’re not drug free, you can’t hang with me. I’m too smart to start. It is easier to stay off drugs than to get off drugs. It’s not a lie, drugs will make your mama cry. iTune out for Drugs. Just say no to drugs. Just say no! Keep calm and avoid drugs. Keep off the Grass! Kick it before it kicks you. Life can take you higher than drugs. Life does not rewind, say no to drugs. Life is like a game board. Don’t make the wrong turn. Lions, and Tigers and Bears oh my… Drinking and Smoking and Drugs? Goodbye! Make healthy choices. Mary Jane ruins the brain. Meth: The Equal Opportunity Destroyer. No drug user grows old; because they die young. No need for weed. Nobody should Meth Around. One is too many and a thousand is never enough. One life – One chance – Avoid Drugs. One million dead junkies can’t be wrong. PCP bad for me. Proud to be drug free. Pull the plug on drugs. Put away the drugs before drugs put you away. Put down the drugs and give Jesus a hug! Put that stash in the trash. Reach for the stars, not for drugs. Refusing is a better choice. Rot your teeth quick! Use Meth. Run away from drugs, don’t let it destroy you. Save future generations. Say no to drugs, say it to all. Say no to drugs, say yes to good health. Say no to Drugs. Say nope to dope. Shoot for the stars not your arms. Slam Dunk – Drugs are Junk. Smoking pot will make your brain rot. Smoking the dope won’t help you cope. Smoking weed is a bad deed. So there’s no intervention, start with prevention. Sports, not Snorts. Stand up against drugs. Stand up to drugs or fall to your knees. Stay drug free and be the best you could be. Stop wasting money. Stop, say no to drugs! Take a stand for a drug free land. The best me is drug free. The more you use, the less you live. The only pot you should be looking for is at the end of a rainbow. There is no excuse for drug abuse. There is no need to smoke that weed. Too smart to start. Twinkle Twinkle little star, if you are a drug user you won’t go far. Up with Hope. Down with Dope. Use your brain, don’t fry it! Users are losers and losers are users. Wasted? So is your life. What’s your anti-drug? When you do drugs, it also affects the ones who care about you. When you huff and you puff and you blow your life away. Who says being a quitter is a bad thing. You can’t become a sportsmen, if you do drugs. You don’t need heroin to be a hero. You’ll never succeed with drugs. Your future will zap, if you fall into the drug trap. You’re not you when you’re high.
The below infographic outlines statistics of the drug industry in the United States and the continued efforts for preventing drug abuse. 10% of Mexico’s economy as it stands occurs from drug proceeds.
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