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Indonesia blue swimming crab - gillnet/trap

The organization APRI - whose members include over 33 of 39 seafood industry businesses and processors - covers more than 85% of purchased crab in Indonesia. All members involved are working to promote not only sustainable crab harvest, but a sustainable supply chain as well. The FIP aims to support scientific research through collaborations with Universities, to develop a national Fishery Management plan through a partnership with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and to establish community based fishery management by working with local fishing communities. The FIP is meant to have a lasting impact on the sustainability of the fishery’s supply chain, on blue swimming crab resources, and also on the ecosystem where the species is harvested.

Blue swimming crab (BSC) fishing in Indonesia is mostly carried out by small-scale fishers using boats of less than 10 GT (with or without motors) and in some cases, there are fishermen who do not even use boats to harvest their catch. The crabs are mostly caught using bottom gillnets and collapsible traps. An estimated 90,000 fishermen and 185,000 pickers (who work in over 500 plants or cooking stations throughout Indonesia) are directly employed in the BSC fishery. Several thousand other players are involved in the fishery, including middlemen, processors and those who export BSC products.

The members of APRI (including what day they joined the organization), are as follows:

  • PT Bumi Menara Internusa (6/07/2007)
  • Blue Star Foods (6/07/2007)
  • PT Kelola Mina Laut (6/07/2007)
  • PT Mutiara Laut Abadi (6/07/2007)
  • PT Prima Cakrawala Abadi (6/07/2007)
  • PT Phillips Seafood Indonesia (6/07/2007)
  • PT Pan Putra Samudera (6/07/2007)
  • Handy International, Inc (2/18/2008)
  • PT Toba Surimi Industries (3/30/2011)
  • PT Rex Canning (5/05/2011)
  • PT Graha Makmur Cipta Pratama (5/29/2013)
  • PT Sumber Mina Bahari (1/27/2014)
  • PT Muria Bahari Indonesia (2/14/2014)
  • PT Siger Jaya Abadi (3/19/2014)
  • PT. Nirwana Segara (8/1/2016)
  • PT. Kemilau Bintang Timur (16/12/2017)

FIP Description 

The organization APRI - whose members include over 33 of 39 seafood industry businesses and processors - covers more than 85% of purchased crab in Indonesia.

FIP Objective(s) 

This fishery improvement effort seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Work plan and transition Indonesia Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries to MSC full assesment within the perscribed 3-years
  2. Change practices (no take of small crabs/juveniles, no take of egg-bearing females), increase the stocks, develop policies that protect and sustain crabs (including protection of nursery ground, spawning area) by end of December 2022
  3. Develop a management plan for Indonesian blue swimming crab that includes community resources management that protects nursery ground; produce a control document by end of December 2018
  4. Implement FIP workplan that includes development of the management plan, community-based management, communication and awareness, nursery and spawning grounds protection projects, as well as a hatchery project by end of December 2018

FIP Stage 

Stage 5: Improvements on the Water

Gear Type 

FAO Major Fishing Area
Exclusive Economic Zones
Regional Fisheries Management Organization

FIP Volume 

Total Fishery Volume 

January 01, 2012

Progress Rating

A - Advanced ProgressReserved for comprehensive FIPs that have a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

B - Good Progress A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 in more than 12 months AND Stage 3 activity in the last year; OR a basic FIP that has achieved Stage 4 or 5 achievements within the past 12 months.

C - Some Recent Progress A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months but has not generated a Stage 3 result within the past 12 months OR a FIP younger than a year that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has completed a Stage 3 activity.

D - Some Past Progress A FIP for which the most recent publicly reported Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 30) months.

E - Negligible Progress A FIP older than a year that has not reported a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 30 month (but less than 36) months; OR a FIP younger than 1 year that has not reported a Stage 3 activity.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

A Advanced Progress

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